I just posted a little ditty on my other blog featuring tales and updates on everything relating to an alternate history Grand Rapids. It has some info on current short stories available on the subject. Great action-adventure tales anyway you slice it.
Latest offering is SIGNAL IN THE DISTANCE...
Red Scare was reality. Small nuclear devices had cratered Michigan’s northern
and southern military installations, and across Lake Michigan, the same had occurred
at bases in Wisconsin. The emotional shockwave and fear created an exodus of
citizens from the state, while others held out in fall-out shelters and adequately
shielded structures. As dire as all appeared, unseen by human eyes, 900 feet at
the ebon bottom of Lake Michigan, the earth-rending shockwave had awakened
something ancient and ominous, something that cared little for the human
populace other than vile sustenance and to become Mankind’s new overlord.”
--Excerpt from
Publications copyright 1958